Bathroom Usage

I will not state any facts or statistics here. If you want that there is plenty out there you can search for, I am just chiming in with my 50 cents.

First of all, the fact that we are even having this topic is hilarious to me and probably not for reasons you might think. One we quit letting our kids go into a public restroom by themselves …. well we have never let them go by themselves…unless they are in a local place. Secondly, at any point a male or female can walk into any bathroom they want and attack a female. So, far nothing is changing. Besides all that women pee in a stall so nobody is going to see you taking care of business. Before moving on I will clarify I do not think we need to change a system that works just fine, but I am acknowledging that it will not affect our public bathroom use and I wonder if you think about it would it really affect yours much?

Secondly, the fact that we are discussing this and NOT the fact that the President thought it was apart of his job description to issue this decree. Lately, I have been leaving a great deal up to the Lord. As I am just not understanding much of anything. I am just praying and stopped worrying or dwelling on things. Yet, I am well aware of where the Federal Reserve came from, where the United Nations came from, I am aware of why Public Education was formed, etc. I can see the original agenda of these and other organizations playing out everyday. I have also quickly learned that trying to share this info with people only goes so far. People listen to or believe what they want to. To me this decree and words that seem to be creating a safe environment for kids actually cut rights of the parents. It all happens over time with such small changes that we don’t even notice until it is too late.

So, for me it is NOT about who might be sharing the bathroom with me as I have fully expected danger in public bathrooms for YEARS now. It is the danger that is hidden in plain view that we do not see because we are distracted. An amazing magic trick!

Praying for you and our world … please pray for me!

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