A Prayer of Release – Introduction

Over the course of whatever number of days I am led to I will be doing a series on this prayer I found 2 years ago somewhere on social media. I wish I could cite its author, but there was no name on the picture and the person sharing it wasn’t the author. I am going with the assumption that the author is anonymous or just wanted to spread this prayer around. I have prayed this prayer literally EVERYDAY during the past 2 years. I wish I could count the number of tears I have shed while praying through it. The amount of past that has been ditched. Thus, my thought to start a series in which I will create a post about a part of the prayer that I am led to share. This will contain some personal testimony, thoughts, well as usual my rambling journal mind He gave me.

So, for this quick post I wanted to give you a heads up and share the prayer here. Then if you choose you can maybe start praying it and join in on this series in a more personal way. Each post will include the entire prayer, but I will bold print that part I will be focusing on. I should add those parts in parenthesis I added into the prayer. I will explain why when I get to those parts. Expect the first installment next week.

Heavenly Father, (Lord of my tomorrow), I release to You the burdens that I have been carrying, burdens that You never intended for me to carry. I cast all my cares upon You – all my worries, all my fears, (all my expectations). You have told me to not be anxious about anything, but rather to bring everything to You in prayer with thankfulness. Father, calm my restless spirit, quiet my anxious heart, still my troubling thoughts with the assurance that You are in control. I let go of my grip upon the things I have been hanging onto, with opened hands I come to You. I release to Your will all that I am trying to manipulate; I release to Your authority all that I am trying to control; I release to Your timing all that I have been striving to make happen. I thank You for Your promise to sustain my, preserve me, and guard all that I have entrusted to Your keeping. Protect my heart and mind with Your peace, the peace that passes all understanding. Father, may Your will be done in my life, in Your time, and in Your way. Amen! 

I hope you are as excited about this series as I am. I have a few others in the works about the different areas of my life.

As always, I am praying for you all would you please pray for me? In fact, I know someone is … so many great things are happening!! Good Night!

In Weakness Is Strength

Dear Lord,

As you know I have been having a recurring dream that I am pretty sure is your way of communicating with that part of me that is hidden from my conscious mind, from my will, from my own fears and doubts, and from my insecurities. I am pretty sure you a revealing some very powerful and awesome things. Yet, we still have some work to do. The amazing thing though is that I have already learned a great deal about myself and have grown tremendously in my faith in the gifts you have given me. I am just not sure yet where you are leading me. Until then the most powerful thing that I am working on I found in your word and then a dear friend in a completely random message the next day said to me

“He helps us in our weaknesses!”

and the verse the night before that struck me and became the subject of my journal post that night about was

“Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ, for when I am weak, then I am strong.”

2 Corinthians 12:10

I get it that of course I am weak. I get it that of course there will be days filled with more than I can handle. I get it that though it is more than I can handle YOU, YOU MY LORD, are always there next to me holding my hand, leading me, maybe even carrying me. I am weak, but because of you next to me I AM STRONG. 

Lord, I am pretty sure most Moms and probably Dads feel weak ALL THE TIME…please Lord help them to feel You and feel STRONG with You. Help us when we are crying as we wash the dishes. Help us when as we are folding laundry we are wondering if anyone appreciates how neatly we do this tedious job. Help us when we pull away from the house feeling horribly guilty for going to work, taking a break time, or doing anything without them. Help us when we are on our knees completely lost and can’t hear You. Help us when we are so angry we raise a hand. PLEASE stop the hand! Help us when we are so tired we go about the day in a complete fog. Help us when we are sick with nobody to help us take care of them. Lord…help us … when we are weak to KNOW we are STRONG because in every moment you are there waiting for us to call on You.

I am weak everyday. I am stronger in my weakness. Kelly


I am praying for you please pray for me…for weakness as that is where there is strength.